For my second journal I have chosen one that focuses on challenging behaviours, as they can sometimes be a point of burn out, and general frustration for me, and often I label behaviors as challenging when they by definition aren’t and often associate the term “bad” with those behaviours from my own upbringing.
I’ve chosen and article titled Registered Early Childhood Educators’ (RECEs) Perceprions of Children who Exhibiy Challenging Behaviours in the Classroom. By: Diana Chow, Christina DiNardo, Amy Nicole Garthson, Oi Ling Helen Kwok, Susan Elizabeth O’Neill, Dr. Sharon Quan-McGimpsey
The article can be found in Interaction Volume 29 Number 2 Fall 2015 pages 27-30.
Would like to note that the following article ties into challenging behaviours by looking at how eces can manage the stress involved with challenging behaviors.

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