* please excuse the naked silhouette I tried a couple different styles and this was the only one I liked haha (yes it is meant to represent me)

I had a different approach to the tree of life initially but decided to place a bit more time, effort, and meaning into it.

Not going to lie, had quite a few tears today as I read through previous essays and my own person journal entries from over the years. Thinking about where I’ve been, and where I am now was a lot today. Lately I feel like I’ve been taking steps backwards instead of forwards, but this time when I do start going forward again I’m going to be stronger and build the branches from the trunk properly.

I need to remember that it’s okay to not be okay, and that we always have to keep changing and growing. A tree changes every season but the trunk and roots will always be the same. It’s okay if branches are broken or changed, and if a leaf doesn’t grow back, doesn’t mean that it cant again in the future. Sometimes it’s best to leave certain leaves on the ground to become roots or “nutrients”.

The roots are what have helped in giving me foundation, and starting me to grow. The grass/dirt are people and things that gave life to those roots. The roots that would eventually create me, the silhouette in the centre.
The trunk is made up of my values and skills, the branches reaching for the sky and my dreams and Hope’s.
All of the leaves are those who have blossomed and become my family, my positive influences.
I haven’t been doing too great and needed this reminder. And honestly needed a safe place to truly share it.
Thank you for creating a place that allows for people to grow and blossom ❤

These are the flowers and legacy I wish to leave behind. Kindness- towards others and nature, courage- to be true to their heart, love- both people, knowledge and themselves. And acceptance. I want to spark imagination, wonder and joy for any child in my care.

I’ve been so focused on everything else lately, that it was nice to take a moment and focus on me in the process of this assignment.


It may seem like things are overly romanticized and far fetched but it’s what I hope to leave in my place one day. I’m in this field because my passion has lead me here, and my passion at times is emotional and bright as a flame.

I feel as though my philosophy is far out of reach in terms of having it fit into a box. But my philosophy is something that is child lead. Some children need to understand the mechanics of something, others need the room to laugh and be wild. All need love and support, regardless of where they are developmentally, financially, or anything in between.

So this is my Tree of Life, or the tree of Madison


(A nickname given to me by Miranda and her hubby)

I’m pretty proud of it. And the kid in me loved busting out the markers and colours for it 😉